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User accounts
GroupsFilesFoldersTemplatesEmail templatesAppsErrorsThe error objectError codesThe -2147467259 error


If a request is not done properly or is missing some of the required parameters the API will prompt the user with a describing error of what went wrong.

The error object

Show Attributes

// Example of an error response:
"error": {
"success": false,
"error_code": -520093684,
"error_text": "Object not found.",
"instance_guid": "e3159f1f-eab9-4fa8-8605-447dafc14ba1",
"status_code": 404

Error codes

-520093684HTTP 404Object Not Found.
-1593835519HTTP 401Related to authorization. Usually auth token is not valid.
-1593835510HTTP 500Object already exists
-519962545HTTP 500Trying to add more employees (entity) than the account limit allows.

The -2147467259 error

The -2147467259 error is related to errors in the body of a request and implies multiple possible causes for it:

Message missing required fields: {MissingField}.A required param is missing in the request.
Value does not fall within the expected range.Using a value that the API is not expecting. Maybe out of the range expected or a different type.
Input was not in a correct format.Wrong format on the request body.
Expected a value.Value missing in the request.
(1:0) error: Unexpected token EOF, expected: "{".Expected a body in the request that was not specified.