IntroductionBefore you beginTerminologyGetting started1. Register for a SmartVault developer account2. Adding a new client3. Authentication steps4. What now?Generating a key for autonomous auth
User accounts
GroupsFilesFoldersTemplatesEmail templatesAppsErrors

Getting started

Find below a detailed walkthrough that can guide you through the required steps before you can start using the SmartVault API and some suggestions on what you can do while familiarizing with it.

1. Register for a SmartVault developer account

To make use of the endpoints stated in this API, you'll need to register a Smartvault developer account first of all. To do this, go to this link

Once registered, you'll receive an activation email that's needed to be accepted to follow on.

When you click the link received on the email used during registration, you should be able to log in using the newly created account credentials.

If there are more than one account, select the developer one and you should see something like the following image:

Logged in user view

This means your new developer account is set up and good to go!

2. Adding a new client

Go to the Developer Clients tab and press the Create New Client button.

Create new client

A popup will show prompting you to fill some fields:

Add new client popup
Client details parameters
Client idYou can use any name you want as long as it’s unique. It will be used to identify your client when you authenticate
Display nameThis is how users will see your application
Client platformDefault or iOS application
OAuth SupportSelect between autonomous or user pin as the form of authentication you will be using.
CompanyDetails about your company
Info URLAn info url
Short descriptionA short description of the client
DescriptionA description of the client
Company logoAn image input to upload your company logo
List in marketplaceCheck this option if it's a production / retail application, otherwise leave it unchecked

The data used here will be used for everything related to authentication.

If you select Autonomous as the OAuth support option, you'll need to generate a pair of public / private keys. Find more information about this in the section below.

3. Authentication steps

3.1 Requesting a nonce

First of all, we need to request a nonce from SmartVault for this particular new developer client just created.

Find more information about requesting a nonce here.

3.2 Requesting a client token

To retrieve the client token, we need to use the private key from the public / private key pair generated while creating the new client on the previous section.

Find more information about retrieving a client token and check some code snippets that can help build a helper to retrieve your client token in your integration here.

3.3 Get authorization URL for delegated user

You need to do this step to authorize every new user that will use the API. After performing this request, you will get a url for the user to authorize this client id integration to use the SmartVault API on behalf of them.

Find more information about retrieving this URL here.

3.4 Request delegation token for user

This will create a delegation token that will be used with the authorized user email in pretty much every following API data request as the Authorization header.

Remember that you need to use the SmartVault account email for this request, not the developer account email.
Find more information about retrieving the delegation token here.

4. What now?

Now that you managed to get your delegation token, you can use it to perform every possible data request in the SmartVault API.

Take into account that, from now on, you need to specify the basic access authorization header value for the data request like:
userEmail + ':' + delegationToken;

Also, remember that for requesting a new delegation token or getting user account information you will need to set it up like the following instead:

clientId + ':' + clientToken;

Knowing this, we can suggest some things to do to familiarize with the SmartVault API like exploring its structure, creating new folder, uploading files or creating clients and / or engagements.

4.1 Getting to know the account structure

If you are working with an structured account (check here if you want to know about your account type) you will be able to explore the account structure (vault, folders and files) by performing a simple GET request to
Check here for more information about the query parameters used that make the request more specific and / or show extra parameters.

Knowing that the structure follows this hierarchy:

Account -> Clients -> Containers -> Vaults -> Folders -> Files

and, for the sake of the example, let's suppose the Account name is "SmartVault", we would be able to to a request like:


This would yield us with all the Vaults present in the account.

You can explore the whole nodes structure using the same request structure:

/nodes/pth/SmartVault/Folder1/Folder2/Document.pdf?children=1&eprop=1&vprop=1 // This example request would return a file called "Document.pdf" with FileNodeType
Using the "children" query parameter here would be "mandatory" as it helps knowing the children of the node you are currently checking.
The request response will tell you which type of node you are retrieving in the field "nodeType" (ContainerNodeType, FolderNodeType, FileNodeType).
Check the files and folders documentation for more specific information about this request and its CRUD operations (creating new folders, uploading new files, etc.).

4.2 Add new entities to your account

In the SmartVault infrastructure, employees, clients and engagements are considered as "entities".
We suggest you explore the Entities section to get to know more about what interactions each entity have and learn more about them.

Some examples of what you can do using the specific entity documentation would be creating a new employee for an account or modifying an engagement.

Generating a key for autonomous auth

If you select the autonomous option in the OAuth Support dropdown while creating a new client, you'll be asked to fill a "Public key" textarea for what you'll need a RSA public / private key pair with a length of at least 1024 bits. To generate these keys, you can download and run KeyGenerator.exe, which will provide you with a private-key.xml and a public-key.xml, or you can use OpenSSL to generate these keys by running the following two commands:

openssl genrsa -out rsaprivkey.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in rsaprivkey.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out rsapubkey.pem

This will give you a public key in rsapubkey.pem and a private key in rsaprivkey.pem. You need to copy the whole content of the public key, including the "header" and "footer" of it and paste that into the textarea.

-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- <- Don't ignore this
-----END PUBLIC KEY----- <- Don't ignore this neither

You'll need the private one later on when requesting a client token.

It is your responsibility to keep the private key secure, since this is what gives you access to your users’ data.